
Jumrah, M.Pd.


Dr. Muhammad Thohri, S.S., M.Pd.

Deskripsi Buku

Language is a boundless realm of expression, a bridge that connects hearts and minds across the vast tapestry of humanity. It is a tool of understanding, a gateway to cultures, and a vessel of creativity. It is with great joy and excitement that I present to you “Fun English Games for Teaching Kids,” a culmination of my passion for language, education, and the transformative power of play.  In my years as an educator, I have witnessed the incredible impact that a playful approach can have on language learning. Children are natural explorers, curious and enthusiastic about the world
around them. This book is a celebration of that innate curiosity, a tribute to the belief that learning is most effective when it is
immersive, engaging, and above all, enjoyable. “Fun English Games for Teaching Kids” is not just a collection of
activities; it is an invitation to embark on a learning journey that is  as exciting as it is enriching. Each game, each activity, and each idea presented in these pages is a testament to the idea that education can be a source of delight. From the moment a child discovers the magic of a hidden letter to the thrill of crafting their own stories, these games are designed to ignite a love for language that will accompany them throughout their lives.

Informasi Detail
Judul Seri            : –

ISBN                     : 9786238497393

Jumlah Halaman  : vi + 175 hlm
Cover                    : Soft Cover
Ukuran                : 17.5 x 25 cm
Berat                    : 150 gr

Bahasa                 : Inggris

Tipe Isi                : –

Edisi                    : –

Subjek                 : Referensi

Tahun Terbit       : 2023