
Tuning Ridha Addhiny, M.Pd,  M. Hasan Nugroho dan M. Rizal


Dr. Ika Rama Suhandra, M. Pd.

Deskripsi Buku

The book “English Islamic Text Reading” serves as a comprehensive guide for individuals seeking to enhance their proficiency in reading and comprehending Islamic texts in the English language. Through a systematic and structured approach, the book delves into various genres of English texts, providing readers with the tools to navigate and interpret texts that hold significance within the Islamic context.

The book is designed to cater to a diverse audience, including students, educators, and individuals interested in deepening their understanding of both English and Islamic teachings. It emphasizes the importance of fostering a deep connection between language acquisition and the comprehension of spiritual and religious content.
By focusing on genres such as narrative, recount, descriptive, news items, and more, the book equips readers with the ability to decipher  different textual formats while preserving the essence of Islamic values. It guides readers through the three levels of meaning – literal, inferential, and evaluative – allowing them to grasp the depth and nuances of the texts.

Informasi Detail
Judul Seri            : –

ISBN                     : 9786238497041

Jumlah Halaman  : vi + 189 hlm
Cover                    : Soft Cover
Ukuran                : 17.5 x 25 cm
Berat                    : 150 gr

Bahasa                 : Inggris

Tipe Isi                : –

Edisi                    : –

Subjek                 : Referensi

Tahun Terbit       : 2023